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New Time Limit for Injury Claims - Message from Roger Clancy

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26 January 2009
As you are aware we are applying the 60 days rule under the above scheme with effect from 1st Jan 2009 althought slighty differently than the rule previously in place.

From 1st Jan 2009 an injury needs to be reported within 60 days ( by completing the first 2 pages of the claim form ), this is required so that we can place a reserve against it and thus allows us to be in a better position to assess the scheme at the end of each year.

On the 19th May 2009 I e mailed you a note confirming that we were applying the 60 day rule from the 1st July 2008 and all clubs should be advises that claims that were in excess of 60 days were required to be submitted by 1st July 2008 otherwise any subsequent claims submitted would not be processed, so clubs should have been aware of our intention since then.

Since we are now strictly applying the 60 day rule, Willis have declined 304 claims up to the 19th Jan 2009. I have received many calls requesting me to reconsider cases as the club secretaries/insurance officers maintain they were never informed of our stance.

As I feel that this is a serious matter in regard to maintaining what is a very good scheme I should be obliged if you could include the matter on your agenda for the next County Board Meeting and in the meantime get the word out to all insurance officers of your clubs the reporting procedure.